The Chronicles Project Image

Project Title: "Clippers Stats Page"

What I set out to do:

As a fan of the Clippers, I wanted to try out using an API with React. I chose to display the team name and stats along with the top 6 players' individual stats.

Code Snippet

What I learned:

How to use React hooks: particularly useState for managing state within components and useEffect for performing side effects in functional components (like data fetching).

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript: using async functions and await to handle promises cleanly, which is essential for making asynchronous API calls.

State management: how to manage state within React components using useState and how to update state based on data fetched asynchronously.

Conditional rendering: ({condition ? : }), which is used in this project to conditionally render player information based on whether the player data has been fetched.

And how to pass props from parent components to child components, as seen in the project image's card component where the image and stats are passed as props.